Study advisers

At Maastricht University, students can seek guidance from a study adviser to discuss their personal growth and future plans.

If you want to enhance your study experience, align your extracurricular activities with your personal development goals, or if you find it challenging to balance personal circumstances with academic success, a study adviser can help you develop your talents and skills. Together, you can explore ways to enhance your academic journey.

Each faculty has its own study adviser(s)

The study adviser is well-informed about the opportunities available within your faculty and programme. They will assist you in determining how to tailor your studies to your advantage and provide guidance to make informed decisions. If necessary, you will create a customized study plan together. Additionally, the adviser may refer you to other resources to further enhance your progress. This could be a UM Student Dean, Disability Support, Career Services or a UM Psychologist. Not all meetings need to result in action. Sometimes, all that you need is a listening ear.  

Sexual safety
Do you need support?

Study delay? Or need an extra challenge? Get help on time.

If you anticipate a delay in your studies, it is crucial to seek assistance immediately. Do not wait, particularly if you believe that your delay is caused by illness or family matters. You must inform your study adviser or the student deans within two months to ensure that you receive the necessary support.

As soon as you feel the need for an extra challenge, do not hesitate to reach out to your study advisor for assistance in expanding or deepening your program.

Sometimes the study adviser takes the initiative

In some cases, the study adviser may reach out to you. If they think you may be struggling to keep up with your studies or if you are at risk of receiving a negative BSA, the study adviser may contact you to check in with you. The decision to contact you or not depends on your faculty and the stage of your studies. This is done to ensure your well-being and progress in your academic journey. 

Make an appointment with your study adviser

Good study advice is strictly programme specific. Please make an appointment with the designated study adviser of your programme or faculty*.

Name faculty:Name study adviser:Make an appointment:
FASoSSaskia van Bergen
Miranda van den Boorn
Pia Harbers
Raf Widdershoven

Book your appointment   


Whitney Curfs
Cécile Hayen
Paola van der Meijden Rikus Nieuwenhuis
Anke Smeenk
Stella Thomassen
Jonathan van Tilburg Dominique Waterval

+31 (0)43 38 85 770
or book your appointment  



Femke Buiter (Ma)
Gerda Galenkamp (Ba)
Jos Lievense (Ma)
Olga Penninger (Ba)

Angélique Weitmann (Ba)

Book your appointment  
or (bachelor) (master)
FSE - DACSWendy Brandt
Tessa Fox
Eva Knip
+31 (0)43 38 83 454
+31 (0)43 38 85 361
Make an appointment
Circular Engineering (CE), Biobased Materials (BBM), Systems Biology (SB) and Imaging Engineering (IE)
Pavel Anikin (MSP) (CE, BBM, IE, SB)

or book your appointment  

FSE - UCMGesa Lange
Laura Smeets

or book your appointment   

Campus Venlo 

Nicole Huntjens Student Counsellor Campus Venlo

Karin Lenssen
Coordinator Academic Advising UCV

or book your appointment  


Roy Janssen 
Ivar Rezelman
Jody Townsend

Merle Verkijk

Book your appointment  
Evangelia Ipektzidou
Erik Kikas
Kontessa Legaki
Joey Mak
Anja Schoumackers
or book your appointment  (navigate to Intranet > SBE Stud. > Guidance and Support > SBE Student & Career Counselling)
SBE - Business EngineeringErik Kikas
Anja Schoumackers
or book your appointment
(navigate to Intranet > Business Engineering > Guidance and Support > Student & Career Counselling)


SBE - MGSoGBo Nuis-Kruiper
Ingrid Scheffers
SBE - MSIEvangelia Ipektzidou
Kontessa Legaki
or book your appointment  
SBE – MSMNicky de

* Study advisers reserve the right to cancel meetings with students who are not registered to their specific programme. If you wish to speak to a study adviser of a programme you are not currently enrolled in, make sure to contact them via email, before booking an appointment.